Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Christian manuscript submissions

No need to finish your entire manuscript — just submit your well-written proposal! In addition, CrossLink Publishing does not accept submissions for poetry, autobiographies, and children’s books. Also known as manuscript display websites.

Have a great idea for a book? If so, we want to hear from you.

Manuscript Information How can I submit my manuscript to Thomas Nelson or Zondervan to be published? We currently accept unsolicited book proposals for the following imprints only: Zondervan Reflective: Topics for such books include leadership, ministry, the intersection of faith and culture, and biblical and theological perspectives on contemporary issues. Please note that some of these publishers accept unsolicited and unagented submissions , while others only accept submissions from literary agents. There is a $for submission.

On the next page, you will be asked details about your manuscript. Every box is important as this material shapes what is seen by the editors of over Traditional Publishers. Please visit the publisher’s website for guidelines and information on how to submit a manuscript for consideration.

Also providing advice for writers, industry news, and commentary. Before submitting your manuscript please read the guidelines for content submissions to the Journal and Sentinel. Some are non-fiction publishers, some are fiction publishers. All are open to unsolicited submissions.

CFP publishes titles in fiction, non-fiction, children’s, reference, poetry, biographical genres. The first step is to submit your manuscript to us for review. Avon Impulse is the digital-first publishing imprint of Avon Books. If you would like more information about how we partner with authors that share our core values and bring their books to market, please fill out the form to the right. Thank you for your interest in Christian Faith Publishing.

We will immediately ship you our Publishing Kit absolutely free of charge or obligation. For over years, the Writer’s Edge Service has been a method of effective communication between writers and major traditional Christian publishers for Christian manuscript submissions. Their publishing wing is called BH Publishing, and they are a major publisher of Christian literature.

Such is the popularity of BH Publishing that they only accept manuscripts from literary agents,. The manuscript submission guidelines below apply only to books of a professional or academic nature. Please review our FAQs for information on submitting proposals that fall under another category.

Concordia Publishing House (CPH) is the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Thomas Nelson began 2years ago in Scotland and is now one of the largest publishers of Christian books in the world. Your submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team for possible publication online and in the periodicals. Submit your manuscript online.

Use the online submission form to submit your manuscript for consideration to be published online and in the print editions of The Christian Science Journal and the Christian Science Sentinel. Ignatius Press is a prime religious publisher of a diverse range of literary works. Anaiah Press is a Christian digital first publisher.

They publish faith based fiction and non fiction. They are relatively small and new publishing house. However they have a large number of editors for such a small organization and many of the editors have a fair amount of experience.

No direct e-mail submissions. If you follow the directions above, your submission will be given a fair and thorough review to determine if your book is well written, well presente professionally edite and will garner attention in the Christian marketplace. Please allow 4-weeks for a response on submissions.

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