Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Pure alexia

Pure alexia

Individuals who have pure alexia have severe reading problems while other language-related skills such as naming, oral repetition, auditory comprehension or writing are typically intact. The lesions (usually a combination of damage to the left occipital cortex and to a posterior sector of the corpus callosum known as the splenium) interrupt the flow of visual input into the language network. Pure alexia without agraphia is the visual equivalent of pure word deafness. A form of acquired dyslexia characterized by impaired reading ability while still being able to write and recognize the sound of letters and words.

Pure alexia

Sufferers are able to read a wor but only by naming each letter aloud. They can still write spontaneously and take dictation but cannot copy printed material or read even sentences. It is often caused by a damage to a part of the brain.

The syndrome has intrigued researchers for well over a century and is the most studied of the acquired reading disorders. The alexia is part of expressive aphasia. The reader cannot read very well but also will have problems talking and writing. This category includes phonological alexia , deep alexia , pure alexia , and surface alexia. Pure Alexia or word blindness can be something that affects one individual in a profoundly different way to how it might affect another individual.

Pure alexia

The causes of the condition are many and varie and whilst there is no known cure, there are lots of things that a person and the people around them can do to make the condition a little more bearable for everyone involved. The disorder is selective in the sense that other language functions, including writing, are intact. However, subtle visual deficits have been reported to accompany pure alexia in many patients.

A more general term which describes how the brain processes any type of auditory information. Processing the clap of hands or the hum of a fan involves auditory perception. Traditional views of pure alexia have held that the disorder from a disconnection between the secondary visual cortices of both hemispheres and the angular gyrus of the dominant hemisphere. Alexia without agraphia is also known as pure alexia or word blindness. More severe cases are sometimes referred to as global alexia , whereas milder forms constitute spelling dyslexia or letter-by-letter reading.

Pure alexia

It has also been called word-form blindness, alexia without agraphia an more recently, letter-by-letter reading. It was called “pure” alexia because in this disorder reading alone is affected. Even writing and spelling could be unaffected. It can co-exist with another disorder, called agraphia, which is when a person loses.

Where is the damage located in a person with pure alexia ? Reading disorder, alexia : An example of OpenDyslexic typeface, used to try to help with common reading errors in dyslexia. The more you use Alexa , the more she adapts to your voice, vocabulary, and personal preferences. Rehabilitation for pure alexia : Efficacy of therapy and implications for models of normal word recognition. Cognitive neuropsychological approaches to treatment of langauge disorders (pp.

149–180). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum. The behavioral and anatomic correlates of pure alexia were analyzed in patients.

Right homonymous hemianopia failed to appear in three patients, who had right achromatopsia instead. Color anomia and unilateral optic ataxia were seen in six patients. Memory defects were found in two patients. Visual agnosia was noted in two. Evaluation and management of any treatable vasculopathic risk factors is recommended for patients suffering a PCA stroke causing alexia without agraphia.

Remember the head trauma in dyslexia. Patients with pure alexia can write, but they cannot read. Well this is one of those things that normally is caused by things like strokes but other things can also cause it.

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