Alternatives include ORVUS paste. This is a nice alternative for most applications such as washing fleece, felting or wet finishing cloth after weaving. Help out a fibers student in the throes of finals! People usually use far more than they need.
The amount required for the soaping off of dyes is surprisingly small. So, since we put the time, energy and money into developing an alternative we are offering it as well.
It only takes a capful of synthropol and you should follow the same guidelines. It is a great alternative for those who own front loading washing machines. Hope this explanation is clearer than mud! Synthrapol LF: A low foaming version of Synthrapol SP. Only left in stock - order soon.
Use in the dye bath for even color. Will remove sizing from fabric before dyeing. A concentrated wetting agent, known as a surfactant.
Has anyone tried using New Dawn instead of synthapol for washing your hand dyes?
Only left in stock - order soon. GK Craft GKRET Retayne Color Fixative, 4-Ounce $4. Used as a prewash or afterwash, it helps prevent backstaining by keeping loose dye particles in suspension. Silk painting, dyeing, felting and textile art supplies - a one stop shop for all your textile decorating needs. When dyeing not all of the dye will react with the fiber being dyed.
Excess dye, therefore, must be removed to prevent backstaining. I like to sell the dyes that I make and do custom-orders, so I try to keep up to date with the sharpest techniques. However, I discovered that Dharma Trading Co. It is a mild soap specifically made to suspend and carry the dye from the fiber. Rinse the fiber thoroughly with a small amount of synthrapol , then add one tablespoon to each wash load when laundering the fresh dyes.
State of California has determined that isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) is “known…to cause reproductive harm. The reality is, pregnant women should eschew the dyeing process all together. PROsapol : An eco-friendly, alcohol free concentrated liquid wetting agent and surfactant compatible with all dye classifications. Use with PRO Dye Activator to scour fabric before dyeing.
Also recommended for the final hot wash of Reactive Dyes. It helps prevent backstaining because of its unique characteristic of keeping loose dye particles in suspension. Find inspiration at a Sanfor FLORIDA craft store near you! She suggests rinsing the material three times and washing it twice.
This is the part where the dye is removed from the fabric and you get the finish you want.
Find out how you can use synthrapol to pull the excess dye out of the fabric and suspend it in the water allowing you to wash multiple different dyes at the same time. It also removes sizing from fabric prior to dyeing. It will allow even color when used in the dye bath.
Will allow even color when used in the dye bath.
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