Most women will have some breast soreness during the first trimester, usually starting during the fourth week and ending around the 14th week. Some women experience soreness earlier, and for some, it’s the earliest symptom of pregnancy. For unexplained pain that persists for days and occurs in one specific area of your breast, seek proper medical advice. Opt for more supportive bras, for instance a sports bra that can accommodate the increase in breast size and hold your breasts firmly in place, thus minimizing the discomfort and pain that accompany breast movement.
Seamless bras would also help as seams can cause irritation to the breast skin during pregnancy. Breast Pain during pregnancy is due to two main reasons.
Body goes through a lot of changes. These changes include changes in the shape, colour and size of breast. In-store bra specialists can assist in getting the proper fitting bra. A good fitting bra is essential to increase comfort and decrease pain. Invest in breast pads: It isn't uncommon for your nipples to be extremely sensitive during the first several weeks of pregnancy.
Get fitted more than once during pregnancy. If you find that the lining of your bra is causing you pain , buy breast pads.