How many countries are located in Africa? What are the countries and capitals of Africa? Can you name the countries of Africa? The Dark Continent is divided roughly into two parts by the equator and surrounded by sea except where the Isthmus of Suez joins it to Asia.
With a population of over 1million and growing, Nigeria is the largest of the countries. Using this free map quiz game, you can learn about Nigeria and other African countries. You might be surprised how many you don’t get right on the first try, but use this online Africa map quiz to study and you will improve. Map of Africa with countries and capitals.
Africa is also the hottest of all the continents on earth. Clickable image map of Africa. View where countries are located and click on them to take you to a wealth of information. Maps of African countries can be found below or on the respective country page.
Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central. Western Sahara is not a sovereign country , but a disputed territory between the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Morocco. Map with the location of all the countries in Africa.
Description: This map shows governmental boundaries, countries and their capitals in Africa. The map is a portion of a larger world map created by the Central Intelligence Agency using Robinson Projection. You can also view the full pan-and-zoom CIA World Map as a PDF document.
Hear the names of countries and capitals pronounced. Distribution of journals in over African countries. Go to your Sporcle Settings to finish the process. According to the United Nations, it consists of all African countries that are fully or partially located south of the Sahara.
Africa has a diverse cultural heritage due to past conquering countries , thus English, French, Portuguese as well as thousands of African dialects are spoken throughout the country. To the East lies the Indian Ocean while to the West the Atlantic. Use our free Africa Map Quiz to learn the locations of all African countries. These are the countries in Africa that are fully recognized by the United Nations.
Review the map and then select the correct country from the choices that are given. Learn the countries of Africa and their capitals with this fun and educational map puzzle. Use the free Africa map puzzle as a quiz to test your knowledge of the countries and capitals. It is the warmest continent, straddling the equator. Start studying African countries map quiz.
Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. List of countries in Africa. In the north it is separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea, in the northeast, is separated from Asia by the Suez Canal and farther by the Red Sea.
Test your knowledge on this geography quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. A new website is now live: Historical Map Chart ! Country Quiz, map , Picture. The Detailed Africa , Detailed Asia, and Oceania maps are now live!
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