Thursday, October 3, 2019

How to exam your breast

Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of your han keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a circular motion, about the size of a quarter. Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side — from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.

Turn from side to side so you can look at the outer part of your breasts. How should a breast self-exam be performed?

Women of all ages should perform. You may be asked to put your arms in any of the following positions: A) arms relaxed at side B). Five easy steps to performing a breast self-exam.

Stand in front of a mirror looking straight on and do a visual inspection, with your arms down by your sides and shoulders straight. Is there any puckering, dimpling, bulging or thickening? Are your breasts doing their usual thing?

Do the size, shape and color look right?

Check the OUTER HALF of your right breast. Lie down and roll on to your left side to examine your right breast. Place your right han palm up on your forehead. It may be easier and more comfortable if you put a pillow behind your shoulder or back.

Swelling in the armpit (lymph nodes) Clear or bloody nipple discharge. Inverted or retracted nipple. A thorough breast exam will be performed. Your breast should lie as flat on your chest as possible. For the exam , you undress from the waist up.

Your health care provider will look at your breasts for changes in size, shape, or symmetry. Work your way slowly in from your armpit, pressing in circles as you go. Make sure to cover your whole breast , from the underside all the way up to your collarbone. A breast self- exam in front of a mirror gives you an opportunity to visually examine your breasts from different angles.

View your breasts with your arms at your side, on your hips, or raised over your head. Assume different positions to view your breasts from every possible angle.

Observe all parts of the breasts for any changes in shape or contour. Lift your breasts and look underneath them if you need to. Then, lie down with your right arm lifted above your head and feel around your right breast using your left hand. Do your breast exam at the same time each month. If you get menstrual periods, perform the exam the week afterward.

Breast Self- Exam Breast Cancer Symptoms and Signs. This is when the breast tissue is the least lumpy. If you notice any of the following changes in your breasts,. Use the following techniques if you wish to perform breast self-examination. Place a pillow under your right shoulder.

Put your right hand under your head. First look at them with your arms by your sides. Feel your breasts while lying down. Use the opposite hand to examine each breast by feeling.

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