Online School Programs that Fit Your Schedule. Balance School and Life Today. Find Everything You Are Looking For.
Earn the credits you need to complete your high school diploma through our new online program with PLATO. These classes are done in the comfort of your home.
The Keystone School offers online adult learning programs with self-paced courses. BUY MORE, SAVE MORE DURING THE GRATITUDE SALE. Yet there are more than million adults in the United States without a high school diploma. If you’re an adult who is ready to complete your high school diploma, online study at James Madison High School is the nationally- and regionally-accredited education solution you need.
As an adult, attending high school online allows you to balance your educational goal with work, family, and daily life instead of the other way around. Students can get a high school diploma, general education diploma (GED), learn about jobs, learn to speak English, and learn how to become a U. Prospective students may transfer credit in to our program from previous high schools by providing a seale official transcript from each school attended. Make sure the school you select is accredited by the proper organization.
Schools that are regionally accredited are the most widely accepted by employers and colleges. Each month OTAN provides online Moodle workshops for adult education teachers to help you get the most out of your online and blended teaching. Select the link below and filter by agency - OTAN, to see our upcoming workshops. In addtion, we can provide free face to face hands on training at your school site. Adult High School now available online.
A high school diploma is critical to getting a job, being accepted into a college, or joining the military. You don’t have to settle for a GED just because you’ve passed your high school years. Diplomas from quality online high schools are academically equivalent to those earned in the traditional high school setting, and should be recognized as such by potential employers and colleges and universities. After enrolling in online high school , a counselor will work with you to set and meet your goals for high school , college, or a career.
Before the average student receives his or her high school diploma , they must engage in six courses per semester. Among students we serve are those years and older who have dropped out of school or who have graduated from a high school in another country and are now seeking a high school diploma in English from a U. November 21st, from 5-PM at 4E. Come spend the evening enjoying some soup and. Stockton Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying. For more information regarding nondiscrimination, please click here.
Generally in today’s competitive job market, a high school diploma carries more weight than a General Equivalency Diploma (GED).
All things considere you will typically get a more well rounded education from our online adult high school program as opposed to simply getting a GED. If online schools are not an affordable option for you, or if you prefer a face to face setting with instructors and other students, many states offer both private and public options for adult learners to complete a high school diploma. Our excellent teaching staff provides instruction to help students earn their High School Diploma, prepare for the GE learn English, become a CNA, and much, much more. Use the ZIP code finder above.
Thousands of free centers all over the U. While many adult high school diploma programs are time and place base VLACS offers flexibility and convenience through a 1 online , competency-based curriculum. This means that students are able to complete their coursework from anywhere with internet access, and at a pace that best suits their learning style. Apply Filters Clear All Cancel. New students must be years old before their first session begins. We are in the process of developing a wide variety of online courses.
The program is free to adults who are over years ol living in Ohio and do not have a diploma or a GED. Counselors work with the adult learners to develop individual plans to identify the courses and assessments needed to graduate and earn a diploma. It provides lifelong educational opportunities and services preparing adult students with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively as citizens, workers, parents, and family members.
Mission: San Diego Continuing Education commits to student success and community enrichment by providing accessible, equitable, and innovative quality education and support services to diverse adult learners in pursuit of lifelong learning, training, career advancement, and pathways to college.
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