Thursday, January 31, 2019

What are the effects of a stroke

If You Have AFib, Learn About a Treatment Option to Help Reduce Your Risk of a Stroke. Talk to Your Doctor Today About an AFib Treatment With 24-Hour Stroke Risk Reduction. Damage to the area of your brain that controls eating.

What to expect after a stroke? The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cor.

The effects of a stroke depend primarily on the location of the obstruction and the extent of brain tissue affected. Some common effects of a stroke in the brainstem include problems with: Breathing and heart functions. Chewing , swallowing , and speaking. Sensory disturbances (including pain ). Problems using or understanding language. Once the stroke has been treate normal blood flow is restored.

However, the damage left behind leads to side effects.

This puts an end to the stroke. Let’s start with the physical after effects of stroke. The long-term effects of stroke depend on which part of the brain was damaged and by how much. A stroke can cause permanent loss of function. Early treatment and rehabilitation after stroke can improve recovery and many people regain a lot of function.

To reduce damage, getting a stroke victim help as soon as possible is key. A wide range of speech or language problems , collectively known as Aphasia. While each stroke is different—depending on the part of the brain injure the severity of the injury, and the patient’s general health—there are some common after-effects. Weakness (hemiparesis—hem-ee-par-EE-sis) or paralysis (hemiplegia—hem-ee-PLEE-ja) may affect one whole side of the body, or just an arm or leg.

While some effects of a stroke may be immediately apparent an perhaps with therapy, relatively short-live others may take months or even years to develop and may be long-lasting. Having support and getting proper rehabilitation from your care team is essential to making life after a stroke as good as possible. Emotional and Behavioral Changes after Stroke Affect Survivors and Caregivers Alike. After a stroke , survivors often experience emotional and behavioral changes.

Stroke impacts the brain, and the brain controls our behavior and emotions. Aphasia (impaired speech pattern), dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing),.

Not all side effects of stroke are as obvious as the neurologic effects. A patient may suffer depression after a. Effects of Stroke Loss of Balance. Balance problems can be due to muscle weakness and paralysis,.

Some patients will demonstrate decreased ability to speak or comprehend words. Even though there may not be vision problems, the inability to pay attention (often to the left side) may cause a person to bump into walls while walking or trip on objects in the path. Just as the name implies, a left hemisphere stroke is a stroke. Paralysis or severe weakness on one side of the body occurs. You also may have difficulty with language, including speaking or understanding speech, reading, or writing.

Memory loss or thinking difficulties. Many people who have had strokes experience some memory loss. Unlike a stroke , a TIA leaves no long-term effects though there are short-term side effects.

During and immediately after a TIA, a person may experience unusual changes to vision or the visual field. He may experience blurry or double vision, or temporarily lose part of the visual field.

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