Thursday, January 19, 2017

South american animals

The Coatimundi (or Coati) is related to the raccoon family,. South American Tapirs are mostly found in the forest regions of Central. Caimans mostly inhabitant the areas of Central and Southern America. The marsupials and xenarthrans are old-timers, their ancestors having been present on the continent since at least the very early Cenozoic Era.

These are the American crocodile , Orinoco crocodile and the black caiman. Click on a picture to see a larger version of that photo.

Crab A crab is an animal with a shell. It has eyes on stalks on its head. Crayfish Freshwater crustaceans with four pairs of walking legs. The anaconda spends most of its time in the water: it is a very good swimmer. It then takes its prey into a tree to eat it.

The jaguar hunts just as well in the water as on dry land. Their Latin name, Hydrochoerus, means “water pig,” and they enjoy eating and even resting in quiet bodies of fresh water. They are a peaceful herd animal, with a naturally slow, rabbit-like hop, but when alarme they are able to move rapidly across land or through water.

When asked where the most notorious shark-infested waters on.

The lanceheads are the snakes that cause the majority. Survivors from when the continent was an island include: the edentates (armadillos, anteaters, sloths), the camelids (guanaco, vicuna, llama, alpaca). They look like lizards, but are very different.

Watch them animals from the safety of your browser! The kids see their photos and hear their sounds. Аctive links on the time of appearance of each anima. As the largest tract of tropical rainforest in the Americas, the Amazonian rainforests have unparalleled biodiversity. One in ten known species in the world lives in the Amazon rainforest.

This constitutes the largest collection of animal species in the world. It’s a gorgeous region of the Earth and has incredible treasures to discover. A mature Arizona Bark Scorpion is about inches long.

After the tiger and the lion, the jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas,. The Canadian goose has a unique black head and neck,. The continent is compact and roughly triangular in shape.

See more ideas about Animals , American animals and Animals beautiful. Bright, beautiful photographic cards that the children will love to look at. It is closely related to the guinea pig and varies in color from light brown to re typically having light colored underparts.

This park is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating wild animals and conducting conservation work. A-Z Animals , an online animal encyclopedia where you can learn about all your favourite animals , and even some you may have never heard of!

As a result of deforestation and unsustainable logging methods,. One of the attractions of the Amazon are the river dolphins known as botos or pink dolphins. The only other place a freshwater dolphin can be found is in Asia. The name comes from the animals’ long, thin tongues, which are used to gather up large quantities of ants and termites.

American beavers are stocky animals , with compact trunks and short legs,.

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